Anatomy Of Liver PDF file ; Understanding liver anatomy


The liver is a vital organ located in the upper right quadrant of the abdominal cavity. It plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including digestion, metabolism, detoxification, and production of essential proteins. In this article, we will delve into the anatomy of the liver in detail, exploring its structure, blood supply, and innervation.

Structure of the Liver

The liver is a soft, pinkish-brown organ that weighs approximately 1.5 kg in adults. It has a convex superior surface and a concave inferior surface, allowing it to fit snugly beneath the diaphragm. The liver is divided into two main lobes: the right lobe and the left lobe. The right lobe is further subdivided into two smaller lobes: the anterior and posterior segments.

The liver is composed of several types of cells, including:

1. Hepatocytes: These cells perform various metabolic functions, such as detoxification, protein synthesis, and glycogen storage.
2. Bile duct cells: These cells produce and secrete bile, which aids in fat digestion and absorption.
3. Endothelial cells: These cells line the blood vessels and sinusoids, facilitating blood flow and exchange of nutrients and waste products.
4. Stellate cells: These cells store vitamin A and play a role in liver fibrosis.

Blood Supply of the Liver

The liver receives a dual blood supply from the hepatic artery and the portal vein.

1. Hepatic Artery: This artery arises from the celiac trunk and supplies oxygenated blood to the liver.
2. Portal Vein: This vein drains blood from the digestive organs and spleen, carrying nutrients and toxins to the liver for processing.

Innervation of the Liver

The liver receives innervation from the autonomic nervous system, which regulates various liver functions, including blood flow, metabolism, and secretion.

1. Sympathetic Innervation: The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the release of glucose and glycogen from the liver.
2. Parasympathetic Innervation: The parasympathetic nervous system promotes bile secretion and relaxation of the hepatic arteries.

Functions of the Liver

The liver performs various essential functions, including:

1. Detoxification: The liver removes toxins and waste products from the blood.
2. Metabolism: The liver regulates carbohydrate, protein, and lipid metabolism.
3. Production of Essential Proteins: The liver produces albumin, clotting factors, and other essential proteins.
4. Digestion and Absorption: The liver produces bile, which aids in fat digestion and absorption.
5. Storage of Nutrients: The liver stores glycogen, vitamins, and minerals.


In conclusion, the liver is a complex and vital organ that plays a crucial role in various bodily functions. Its anatomy, blood supply, and innervation are essential for understanding its functions and importance. The liver's ability to detoxify, metabolize, and produce essential proteins makes it a vital organ for maintaining overall health and well-being.


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