Developmental milestones PDF file for free
Developmental milestones are specific achievements that children typically reach at certain ages. These milestones can vary slightly from child to child, but most children reach certain milestones around the same age. Here are some of the most significant developmental milestones from birth to age 5:
*Physical Development:*
- Lifting head while on stomach (1-2 months)
- Rolling over (2-4 months)
- Reaching and grabbing toys (4-6 months)
- Sitting up without support (6-7 months)
- Crawling (7-10 months)
- Standing with support (9-12 months)
- Walking independently (12-14 months)
- Pointing and using raking and grasping motions (12-18 months)
- Kicking a ball forward (18-24 months)
- Climbing up stairs with support (2-3 years)
- Balancing on one foot (3-4 years)
- Hopping on one foot (4-5 years)
*Cognitive Development:*
- Recognizing familiar faces and objects (1-2 months)
- Imitating sounds and facial expressions (2-4 months)
- Understanding simple games like peek-a-boo (4-6 months)
- Problem-solving and figuring out how to put toys together (6-9 months)
- Following simple instructions (9-12 months)
- Pointing to body parts when asked (12-18 months)
- Using objects correctly (e.g., drinking from a cup) (12-18 months)
- Demonstrating an understanding of object permanence (12-18 months)
- Showing an interest in books and reading (18-24 months)
- Using language to communicate (2-3 years)
- Demonstrating an understanding of cause-and-effect relationships (2-3 years)
*Language and Communication:*
- Cooing and making vowel sounds (1-2 months)
- Babbling and making consonant sounds (2-4 months)
- Saying first words (4-6 months)
- Saying 2-3 words together (6-9 months)
- Using simple sentences (9-12 months)
- Identifying body parts when asked (12-18 months)
- Using around 50 words and starting to put two words together (12-18 months)
- Using language to communicate and starting to use short sentences (2-3 years)
- Using complex sentences and demonstrating an understanding of grammar (3-5 years)
*Social and Emotional Development:*
- Smiling and showing interest in play (1-2 months)
- Laughing and showing excitement (2-4 months)
- Showing interest in mirrors and reflection (4-6 months)
- Playing simple games like pat-a-cake (6-9 months)
- Showing affection for familiar people (9-12 months)
- Playing alongside others (12-18 months)
- Showing an understanding of ownership and possessiveness (12-18 months)
- Cooperating with others and showing an understanding of social norms (2-3 years)
- Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards others (3-5 years)
Keep in mind that every child develops at their own pace, and some may reach certain milestones earlier or later than others. If you have concerns about your child's development, always consult with your pediatrician.
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